Feasibility Studies

Where should we start a new church?

There are many ways to approach the question. We use a tool that helps us lean into the question in a very practical and insightful way as we ask God the question. It’s called a Feasibility Study. It’s a simple tool that yields tremendous results and typically only takes several days to a few weeks to complete. 

What is a Feasibility Study?

Feasibility studies are conducted to determine the need and potential for English-language international churches in specific cities or areas of a city. A team is formed to conduct initial research, on-site research, evaluation, and to report findings and conclusions. The study focuses on specific factors of primary interest as they relate to the city being studied, to include English-speaking populations and trends, international schools or universities, existing relationships, and ease of establishing a presence.

We can help you and your church conduct a feasibility study. We can provide training and even assist you during the study.

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