Cost & Registration

Conference Fee:

The Conference Fee includes 3 nights accommodation (Monday to Wednesday nights) with breakfast, dinner on all 3 evenings, 2 evening coffee breaks, lunch on Tuesday and a group tour of the Panama Canal on Wednesday.

Couple: €580
Individual: €385
Day Guest: €170 (for the whole conference)

Children 0-5: Free
Children 6-11: €110
Children 12: €270
Children 13-17: €280

For information on booking additional nights before or after the conference, please see the Hotel page.

Please note that we are not able to offer the option of only attending part of the conference, as the group booking with the hotel does not allow for this.

Registration for ONLINE attendance coming soon!  Be sure to register if you plan to join us.

Payment QR Code

Use this QR code with your banking app to make your payment to the IBC’s bank account.

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