What Makes Us Unique?

IBC churches have a unique niche among evangelical churches. We are made up of CNN people — mobile, world-citizens from around the globe. In fact, IBC churches have an international flavor that opens doors to reach people that national churches often do not reach. Many of those people are won to Christ and discipled in an IBC church, and then they return to their home country as ambassadors for Christ with an enthusiasm for evangelism. It is amazing to see the kaleidoscope of spiritually lost people who find Christ in our churches and who leave as global Great Commission followers of Christ.

IBC churches are Baptist in doctrine and affiliation and are similar to Baptist churches found on every continent. IBC churches also welcome Great Commission Christians — individuals who have confessed Christ as Savior and Lord and are committed to obedience to the Great Commission. These Christians come from denominations which have not established many English-language churches overseas. They are encouraged to participate in the worship, life, fellowship, ministries, and support of the church but are requested to refrain from attempts to change the doctrine and affiliations of the church.

IBC churches are autonomous in government, with each developing its own constitution, bylaws, and statement of faith. They cooperate with other churches within our family of churches because they believe that we can do more cooperatively than we can do individually.