“We believe church multiplication should be at the core of our energies and also at the heart of every congregation’s efforts and passion. We want to facilitate a movement of multiplying English-language disciple-making churches in strategic locations.”

David Martin

David Martin

Core Strategy Director Multiplying Churches

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Equip May

  Where are you right now?   At home? Or maybe at your office? Maybe you’re in your favorite cafe or on the way to your next appointment. Knowing where we’re at helps us understand the next steps we should take to accomplish the goals God gives us in life and...

November 2023 Multiply Moment

Christmas already? Yep!  Sunday after next is the first day of Advent! Certainly the Christmas season brings hope, peace, love and joy, but maybe you’re approaching the end of this year feeling a bit like Charlie Brown…maybe a little confusion, regret, or...

October 2023 Multiply Moment

Pause and Pray This month’s Multiply Moment is a little different. Instead of a new topic to learn and an invitation to our next CMN online gathering, we’re inviting you to pause and pray for us and with us.  Would you please pause and pray for our IBC Family as we...

September 2023 Multiplication Moment

Trust is the foundation for every relationship. Our relationships with our family members, those we minister with, those we minister to, and those we would seek to share the gospel with all depend on the trust we build in each specific relationship. In his most recent...

August 2023 Multiplication Moment

What’s your communication tendency? Do you tend to be more telling, directive, and closed or more question-asking and open-minded? Consider the power of good questions. A Lesson from Jesus, the Master Questioner: “Bartimaeus, a blind beggar [...] was sitting by the...

July 2023 Multiplication Moment

People are not developed by accident. Maybe no one knows that better than leaders of the international church. The transient nature of our churches makes us painfully aware of our need to be extremely intentional in developing the members of our congregations. ...

June 2023 Multiplication Moment

Several years ago at a church in the USA, we overheard a German exchange student ask his friend while the deacons collected the offering, “Why are we passing these baskets around?”  His friend, who grew up in the church, responded, “I don’t know, but we do it every...

May 2023 Multiplication Moment

Intentional Leadership Development I was very intentional in developing our leaders for the nine months prior to launching the church plant. We were aligned in our vision, mission, values, and launch strategy. Come launch day, each person was prepared to lead in their...

Turning the World Upside Down – One or Two People at a Time

First century disciples were accused of “turning the world upside down!” (Acts 17:6, ESV). I love it! I love a good “change-the-world” challenge! But I also have to admit, at times it sounds like an overused theme from a high school graduation speech. Can one person...

April 2023 Multiplication Moment

Church Planter Assessment About four years after I had planted Frontline Community Church in Ramstein, Germany, a friend who was the national director of church planting for his denomination, gave me an on-the-spot quick church planter self-assessment and we...
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