Why International Churches


People from every nation are coming to cities around the world.  Some are sent by their international companies; some are seeking a better job; some are on diplomatic assignments; some are seeking a safe environment to raise their children.  Others are looking for educational opportunities or pursuing a new or higher degree in their academic field.  Still others come simply to meet people.  Increasingly the language they all have in common is English.

That is why English-speaking, international churches can play a pivotal role in their lives.  International churches provide a place where people from around the world can find community and support.  It is here that they can gather for worship and to learn about life in Christ.  For some, it is the first time that they can do so without fear of persecution.  And it is through this that they can reach out to their family and friends with the gospel.  Every year people from around the world respond when they hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The first IBC churches were started to minister to the needs of the U.S. military personnel and their families who were stationed in Europe.  But as the geo-political situation changed, so did the focus of the IBC and its churches.  Today more than one-third of the churches are still composed of primarily military personnel, while the others are made up mostly of international members.  The word “international” is in the name of more than half of the churches.  Our churches are rich in diversity, yet strive for unity in Christ, rooted in Christian love.

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