COVID Blessings

COVID Blessings

COVID Blessings   A year and one week ago I was sitting in my hotel room in Dubrovnik, Croatia, talking to a Lufthansa agent on the phone, trying to find a way to get home to Brazil on a flight several days earlier than I had planned.  I had awakened that morning to...
When Challenges and Difficulties Become a Blessing

When Challenges and Difficulties Become a Blessing

When Challenges and Difficulties Become a Blessing It’s been just more than a year since the pandemic, but somehow it feels much longer than that. Why? Why is it for others it feels so fast that they barely noticed that time passed by? As we face everyday challenges...
Choosing Joy

Choosing Joy

Choosing Joy A few days after the announcement of the second lockdown in Germany, I shared my disappointment with Pastor Garrett Starr (Faith Baptist Church, Kaiserslautern, Germany) about not being able to gather for a Christmas Eve service. He responded with mutual...
Persevering in Jesus Christ

Persevering in Jesus Christ

Persevering in Jesus Christ This past year, 2020, was the year of explosive changes that have wounded many of our souls. Humanity awaited the strike of midnight between 31 December and 1 January. Somehow, we tricked ourselves into believing that this simple second...
Getting Used to Disappointment

Getting Used to Disappointment

Getting Used to Disappointment In the classic and quotable movie The Princess Bride, the hero of the story Wesley says, “Get used to disappointment.” When the pandemic reached Costa Rica the second week of March a year ago, and as one thing after another was canceled,...

Darmstadt, Germany

Darmstadt, Germany In October 2019, a few months before COVID-19 was even on the news, Converge International Fellowship’s founding pastor had moved back to the U.S. and an interim who we expected to stay for a few months had arrived. Thankfully, the pastor couple...
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