2020: An Interesting Year for Us All

2020: An Interesting Year for Us All

by Jimmy Martin Former General Secretary 2020: An Interesting Year for Us All LORD, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.  Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting, you are God....
IBC Says Farewell to the Martins

IBC Says Farewell to the Martins

IBC Says Farewell to the Martins Saying “farewell” to the IBC family is for Laurie and me a farewell to friends who are also brothers and sisters.  We have shared much together.  I have visited all of our IBC churches, most of them numerous times.  Pastors and wives...
Meet the Faulkners

Meet the Faulkners

Meet the Faulkners ​This fall my father had the honor of stepping into the role of General Secretary for the IBC with my mother at his side. When my parents started their journey of following God’s call into the mission field, they never could have dreamed this...
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