IBC Churches Respond to Ukrainian Refugee Crisis
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)
For many of us, the war in Ukraine remains at the forefront of our thoughts. Many are responding to the refugee and humanitarian crisis created by the war. Throughout the history of the International Baptist Convention, its member churches have responded to and helped the refugees who have come to their doors. Their stories have been captured in the pages of Highlights. We’ve read of Matthew of Sudan who found love and forgiveness at IBC Sofia, Bulgaria. We’ve read of the Ussefi family from Iran who found salvation at IBC Sofia and later shared that faith with Iranian immigrants and refugees in Greece and France. We’ve read of Afghani and Pakistani and Syrian refugees being helped in a number of IBC churches (see here for one example). All of these touched our lives.
But as someone said, “This time it seems different.” Perhaps, for those of us in Europe, it hits a little closer to home. It could be us. Or it may be us next. We don’t know.
When war began in the Ukraine in February, several of our IBC churches were on the frontlines in caring for the refugees streaming to their doors. You can read about their ministry here and here and here. Others were not on the front lines but immediately began offering support for those in need (read their stories here and here).
Prayer. Participation. Partnership. Read on to find opportunities for each of these.
by Judith Lynn Maxwell
Highlights Editor