Multiplying Churches: Doing Your Part

Apr 26, 2019

Here’s our vision:  “A movement of global-minded churches reproducing healthy disciples, leaders, and congregations.”

Here’s our dream:  “Churches praying for, contributing to, and supporting an ever-increasing number of church plants to reach people with the Gospel, blessing the communities and churches where they are located.”

We have four strategic objectives we believe will help make our dream become reality.

  • Strategic objective number one: Invite every IBC church into church multiplication.

There is a place for every IBC church to participate in church multiplication. Actually, most churches are already participating with their prayers and cooperative giving. Each church’s prayer and financial support is invaluable to our church planting efforts. Several of our churches are participating on our LEAD teams. LEAD teams are teams of leaders from various churches who work together on a regular basis to see new churches planted. We want and need more IBC churches participating on our LEAD teams. We also want to see more LEAD teams established to focus more specifically on particular geographical areas.  Your part?  Talk to the LEAD Team in your area about participating.

  • Strategic objective number two: Support every IBC church with their multiplication goals. 

Through our LEAD teams and other IBC leadership, we want to come alongside of our churches to help them achieve their personal multiplication goals. Wherever your church is in the multiplication process, we want to support your efforts. It may be that your church hasn’t even begun to seriously consider planting a church…we can help you determine your first steps. Maybe you’re trying to figure out the location…we can help you. Maybe you’re trying to discover a planter…we can help you. Wherever you’re at in the process, we are here for you and want to support you.  Your part?  Invite one of our Church Multiplication leaders to visit your church so we can hear your heart and ideas about multiplying your church.

  • Strategic objective number three: Celebrate all multiplication efforts.

Multiplying disciples, multiplying leaders, and multiplying congregations are all interrelated. Each is dependent on the other two, necessary for the other two, or the intended outcome of the other two. We want to hear about your multiplication efforts. We want to celebrate your multiplication efforts!  Your part?  Let us know! Tell us about your efforts. Tell us about your successes. Tell us how God is blessing your multiplication.

  • Strategic objective number four: Trust and follow the Spirit.

We believe there are an infinite number of models and strategies and approaches to church planting. The one thing that must be the same with every church planting effort is hearing from God and following the direction of His Spirit. We must, above all other things, trust and follow the Spirit of God.  Your part?  Ask God about your church planting a new church. Invite the rest of your IBC family to join you in your specific prayers.

God is on the move! In the last seven years the IBC has seen nine new churches planted (the previous seven years only one church had been planted). Four churches were planted just last year! We believe there is a great movement of God among our international communities. We want to be a part of it! We want every IBC church to be a part of it!


by Darryl Evetts

Director of Church Multiplication

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