Youth Ministry Webinar

Youth Ministry Webinar

Youth Ministry Webinar Listen in to this panel discussion about doing youth ministry within the IBC.  With panelists from the IBC Youth Team. Hosted by Scott Corwin, Building Connections Core Strategy...
The International Church Podcast

The International Church Podcast

A podcast with resources for international churches who seek to be faithful to God’s mission through international ministry.  Hosted by Parker Windle, pastor of Emmanuel International Church, Paris, France. Link to the...
Revelation Wellnes

Revelation Wellnes

Revelation Wellness exists to provide wholeness and healing for body, mind and soul. Here you will find resources to help you worship God with your whole being not just your body but your heart as well. You can find workouts for every ability level that are centered...


IF:Gathering exists to equip women with Gospel-centered resources, events, and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple other women right where they are.  They do this through 3 key areas: Providing Opportunities to Gather Putting Biblical...
Velvet Ashes

Velvet Ashes

Velvet Ashes is an online community for women serving overseas — women who know the  pain of goodbyes, the upheaval of change, and the redefining of self. It is a place to connect with the hearts of other women who are separated by geography but bound together...
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