San Jose, Costa Rica

San Jose, Costa Rica One of the highlights for our church is when we have people profess their faith publicly through baptism. As part of their baptism, we ask them to prepare and then share their personal testimony. On 25 July, we baptized four people. All of them...
Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia After nearly seven years at Bratislava Faith Community Gerhard and Joan Venter have retired from full-time ministry and returned to South Africa.  On their final Sunday, 27 June, a picnic lunch was held in the church garden following the morning...
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil On 31 July, Nathanael, Julie, Ethan, and Micah Fawcett gathered with Calvary International Church’s congregation in São Paulo, Brazil, to say good-bye. Nathanael is leaving Calvary after being on staff for 19 years, 11 as associate pastor and eight...
Oberursel, Germany

Oberursel, Germany

Oberursel, Germany One of the highlights of our church calendar happens on a football pitch in the middle of the school holidays. For five days in July, 50 volunteers from International Christian Fellowship in Oberursel and from our local community came together to...
God’s Work Always Outlasts Us

God’s Work Always Outlasts Us

by Tim Faulkner General Secretary StewardshipGod’s work always outlasts us but never overlooks us. God gives us enough time and resources to accomplish what He wants us to accomplish both alone and with others. Our focus is multi-generational. God’s Work Always...
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