Prague, Czech Republic

In May, Pastor Gareth Morris of the International Baptist Church, Prague, Czech Republic, baptized Rebecca Mabin, a ballerina from the U.K., dancing with the Prague National Theater company.  This is her testimony:After having some seriously awesome conversations with...

Jurbise, Belgium

On 24 August, the International Bible Church of Jurbise, Belgium, held an ordination council for Chris Stephenson.  Pictured here are the men who served on the council, examining Chris’ personal character, doctrinal understanding, and ministry praxis, and deemed him...

Aalborg, Denmark

On 3 November at Koininia International Baptist Church, Aalborg, Denmark, Pastor Lee Hanson passed the baton of leadership on to new Pastor Kristian Bak.  Lee is retiring after many years of ministry at the church. Kristian has been serving for several years as the...
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