An Era Ends

An Era Ends

An Era Ends “God does not live in temples built by human hands.” (Acts 17:24b) Thursday, 25 June, was kind of a sad day. Not in the sense of unhappiness. More in the sense of melancholy or mourning. As is normally the case when it is time to bid farewell to...
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai, United Arab Emirates We have been blessed by the faithfulness of our members to online church where practically all of our ministries are operating on one of the platforms — even our children’s church, which was the last to go online and was very well...
Hoensbroek, The Netherlands

Hoensbroek, The Netherlands

Hoensbroek, The Netherlands “Where we have seen God at work in our church through coronavirus” Since 15 March, our Sunday church service at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Hoensbroek, The Netherlands, has been tremendously changed from physical meeting to live...
Darmstadt, Germany

Darmstadt, Germany

Darmstadt, Germany Hi!  My name is Jason Sadler, and I am a member of Converge International Fellowship in Darmstadt, Germany. Back in March, I had the opportunity to lead a really amazing life group. It was a 10-week Bible study called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It...
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