Getting Used to Disappointment

Getting Used to Disappointment

Getting Used to Disappointment In the classic and quotable movie The Princess Bride, the hero of the story Wesley says, “Get used to disappointment.” When the pandemic reached Costa Rica the second week of March a year ago, and as one thing after another was canceled,...

Darmstadt, Germany

Darmstadt, Germany In October 2019, a few months before COVID-19 was even on the news, Converge International Fellowship’s founding pastor had moved back to the U.S. and an interim who we expected to stay for a few months had arrived. Thankfully, the pastor couple...
Portimao, Portugal

Portimao, Portugal

Portimao, Portugal ​The International Christian Fellowship Baptist Church, Portimao, Portugal, continues to hold our church services online.  Although we all naturally miss the face-to-face conversations, the online services allow our church to maintain fellowship all...
Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia Gerhard Venter, pastor of Bratislava Faith Community, Slovakia, is a real handyman and loves the challenge of making things.  So, when Slovak regulations required preaching in a mask or having a separation, Gerhard got to work.  He designed and...
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