Church Multiplication Networks Launched

Church Multiplication Networks Launched

The International Baptist Convention launched our brand new Church Multiplication Networks in April. Initially, we have one in Europe and one in Latin America…but of course we expect to multiply!What are CMNs?  CMNs exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support,...

IBC Conducts Successful CPAC in Naples

The International Baptist Convention conducted a successful church planter assessment center on 24-25 October at Il Faro International Baptist Church, Naples, Italy.Twenty people gathered to provide assessment on three church planter candidate couples. IBC churches...

We Value … Church Planting

Church Planting:  3 Reasons Why This post is part of a six-part series, written by a leader within the convention, on our core values.  Our core values show who we are and what motivates us. We envision a movement of global-minded churches that are reproducing healthy...

Multiplying Churches: Doing Your Part

Here’s our vision:  “A movement of global-minded churches reproducing healthy disciples, leaders, and congregations.”Here’s our dream:  “Churches praying for, contributing to, and supporting an ever-increasing number of church plants to reach people with the Gospel,...

What is an IBC LEAD Team?

No one should plant a church alone! The challenges, struggles, ups and downs, the need for input and feedback, and the joys, all make networking with others that are doing similar ministry vital and necessary. One of the essential elements for equipping church...
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